ผศ.บัณฑูร ชุนสิทธิ์

ชื่อ-นามสกุล : ผศ.บัณฑูร ชุนสิทธิ์
E-mail : agrbtc@hotmail.com
คุณวุฒิ : ผ.ม.(การวางแผนชุมชนเมืองและสภาพแวดล้อม)
สาขาที่เชี่ยวชาญ : อาคารและสิ่งแวดล้อมเกษตร

Chunnasit, B., Boonma, J. and Korkeaw, J. 2012. Influence of Nylon Net-house Colour on Environment and Growth of Lettuce (LactucasativaL.) cv. Grand Rapids. in Proceeding of the 13th Annual Conference of Thai Society of Agricultural Engineering : Agro-Techno for Global Sustainability; Organized By Thailand Agricultural Engineering Association and Chiangmai University on 4-5 Apirl 2012 at Imperial Mea Ping Hotel, Chiangmai. (p.795-801) (in Thai)
Chunnasit, B., Boonma, J. and Keawjarean, T. 2012. Character of Roof in Plastic House on Environment and Growth of Lettuce(Lactuca sativaL.) cv. Grand Rapids. in Proceeding of the 13th Annual Conference of Thai Society of Agricultural Engineering : Agro-Techno for Global Sustainability; Organized By Thailand Agricultural Engineering Association and Chiangmai University on 4-5 Apirl 2012 at Imperial Mea Ping Hotel, Chiangmai. (p.802-810) (in Thai)